Whole-genome chromatin profiling from limited numbers of cells using nano-ChIP-seq.

Nature protocols

Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) combined with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) has become the gold standard for whole-genome mapping of protein-DNA interactions. However, conventional ChIP protocols necessitate the use of large numbers of cells, and library preparation steps associated with current high-throughput sequencing platforms require substantial amounts of DNA; both of these factors preclude the application of ChIP-seq technology to many biologically important but rare cell types. Here we describe a nano-ChIP-seq protocol that combines a high-sensitivity small-scale ChIP assay and a tailored procedure for generating high-throughput sequencing libraries from scarce amounts of ChIP DNA. In terms of the numbers of cells required, the method provides two to three orders of magnitude of improvement over the conventional ChIP-seq method and the entire procedure can be completed within 4 d.