Quantitative multiplex ChIP-seq is here

van Galen et al. introduce Mint-ChIP, an approach for multiplexed ChIP-seq on small cell numbers. The approach allows quantitative comparisons of global and locus-specific histone modification levels. The technology is demonstrated by mapping hematopoietic stem cell chromatin landscapes and quantifying changes in leukemia cells treated with epigenetic inhibitors. Detailed protocol now available on the Resources page. … Continued

Ryan, Drier et al. link enhancers to oncogene activation in B cell lymphoma

Russell Ryan and Yotam Drier describe PEAR-ChIP, a novel approach for the detection of genomic rearrangements associated with acetylated chromatin. The authors apply this technology to patient samples from several distinct subtypes of B cell lymphoma, revealing therapeutically targetable rearrangements, and uncovering novel mechanisms by which the oncogenes MYC and BCL6 are regulated via native … Continued

Welcome Dylan, Sarah, Sid, Sara and Anuraag!

Dylan joins us as a new Research Assistant, Sara joins us as a new PhD student, while Sarah, Sid and Anuraag join us as new postdoctoral fellows. Welcome all!

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from the Bernstein lab and friends!

Welcome Laura, Peter, and Will!

Laura joins us as the new Lab Manager. Peter joins us from John Dick’s lab at the University of Toronto. Will is coming to us from Jeremy Rich’s lab at the Cleveland Clinic. Welcome!