Volker Hovestadt et al. publish medulloblastoma single cell transcriptomics study in Nature

Volker Hovestadt, Kyle S. Smith, Laure Bihannic, Mariella G. Filbin together led this study of medulloblastoma cellular heterogeneity. Congratulations to the team! Medulloblastoma is a malignant childhood cerebellar tumor type that comprises distinct molecular subgroups. Whereas genomic characteristics of these subgroups are well defined, the extent to which cellular diversity underlies their divergent biology and … Continued

Congratulations to Yotam and Paloma on the publication of their pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor paper in Nature Medicine

Yotam Drier (Bernstein lab) and Paloma Cejas (Shivdasani lab at DFCI) describe how enhancer signatures in non-functional PNET tumors can be used to stratify subtypes and predict patient outcomes. Read the paper in Nature Medicine. This was a great collaboration between the Bernstein lab at MGH, the Shivdasani lab at DFCI, several teams of clinicians … Continued

Congratulations Dr Najm!

Congratulations Fadi on a successful defense! You can also checkout Fadi’s Nature Biotech paper! Orthologous CRISPR-Cas9 enzymes for combinatorial genetic screens. Najm FJ, Strand C, Donovan KF, Hegde M, Sanson KR, Vaimberg EW, Sullender ME, Hartenian E, Kalani Z, Fusi N, Listgarten J, Younger ST, Bernstein BE, Root DE, Doench JG. Nat Biotechnol. 2018

van Galen, Hovestadt et al. publish single cell AML study in Cell

Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals AML Hierarchies Relevant to Disease Progression and Immunity. van Galen P, Hovestadt V, Wadsworth Ii MH, Hughes TK, Griffin GK, Battaglia S, Verga JA, Stephansky J, Pastika TJ, Lombardi Story J, Pinkus GS, Pozdnyakova O, Galinsky I, Stone RM, Graubert TA, Shalek AK, Aster JC, Lane AA, Bernstein BE. Cell. 2019 Mar … Continued

Our latest perspective piece is out in Nature Genetics, congrats Efrat and Jason!

Single-cell and single-molecule epigenomics to uncover genome regulation at unprecedented resolution. Shema E, Bernstein BE, Buenrostro JD. Nat Genet. 2019 Jan Recent advances in single-cell and single-molecule epigenomic technologies now enable the study of genome regulation and dynamics at unprecedented resolution. In this Perspective, we highlight some of these transformative technologies and discuss how they … Continued